Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Television and Media - Daytime Talk TV is Immoral Essay

Daytime Talk TV is Immoral Today’s society has become a visually based culture and, as a result, people learn and act from what they see. With the advent of television, many programs have been aired ranging from news programs to sitcoms and from game shows to talk shows, but talk shows, today, have the most effect on the public. Daily, viewers turn on their televisions and many are bombarded with images of sex, drugs, and violence on the talk shows. Unfortunately, many people are either disturbed or affected by what they see. As Vicki Abt and Leonardo Mustazza point out in their article, â€Å"Coming After Oprah: Cultural Fallout in the Age of the TV Talk Show,† â€Å"Surely long-term exposure to this genre has consequences for the†¦show more content†¦As children, they are in the stage of life when they are learning the most and absorbing everything they see, and it is natural for most of them to repeat what they see. Adolescent years are very crucial for learning how to behave and learning right from wrong, but talk shows are destroying children’s morals and their outlook on society. Therefore, there is no doubt that they are having a negative effect on our future, the children. In addition to affecting children, talk shows are affecting adults as well. Adults are observing these programs as much as children are, if not more. Our society is continually affected by what is seen, and consequently, there have even been cases of violence as a result of watching one of these talk shows. For instance, in 2000, a man by the name of Jonathan Schmitz murdered a gay man, Scott Amedure, after watching an episode of Jenny Jones in which Amedure admitted that Schmitz was his secret crush according to Ellen Willis (34). Most likely, that tragedy would not have occurred had it not been for a talk show like Jenny Jones that presents immoral topics for millions of viewers to see. This just further proves that talk shows have a negative effect on their viewers. Moreover, the viewers of the talk shows are not only affected that way, but some may also relate to the talk shows and in effect, â€Å"they believe there is a direct connection between the fictional world young people areShow MoreRelatedAn Explosion of Reality Television1968 Words   |  8 PagesIn the last decade, the explosion of Reality TV programmes has revealed the viewers preferences for realism as oppose to fiction. Both of them (documentary and Reality TV) are based on ordinary lives and real stories, nevertheless it is crucial to remark that even though Reality TV is influenced by earlier observation documentary, these current shows are based on entertainment. If Reality TV is such a hit with audiences, why does the most critical commentary regard it a negative light? 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